Some Tips On How To Obtain Cheap Student Car Insurance
Finding affordable car insurance for students can be something of a challenge. Insurance companies tend to classify students as higher risk along with teens and new drivers. And of course, most students need all the savings they can possibly get. Unfortunately, car insurance isnt cheap a typical student pays anywhere from $3,500 to $13,000 in insurance premiums in a year.
Obtaining a lower rate for your car insurance starts when you still in school you can often get a discount just by providing your most recent school report card. Most insurance companies consider students who have a grade B average, to be lower risk drivers. If your school or college offers a drivers education course, take the class and let your insurance company know.
If you have membership in any school or professional organizations, let your insurance company know. Some insurance companies offer significant discounts for membership of various alumni, fraternity and student associations; for example the Golden Key National Honor Society.
Let your insurance company know if you are also working while attending school. If you...