You can obtain a home equity loan even if you have faced bankruptcy or have a bad credit rating. There are institutions that cater to this segment, however, interest rates and terms are likely to be stiffer. Additional fees also could be charged. The lender may offer high down payment and lower interest burden or vice versa. Loans with both fixed interest and variable interest are available. The maximum repayment time may be up to thirty years.
Usually lenders depend on reports by credit rating agencies like TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian, together known as FICO, to evaluate an individual’s credit rating on a scale of 300 to 900. The factors considered by these agencies include, past payment history, recent credit applications, and outstanding debt. A score below 600 indicates that you are in the bad risk group. It is possible that the rating of the same person given by each FICO agency differ. Some lenders score in the middle range.
There are ways and means of improving the FICO rating. Certain banks also offer credit counseling. Agencies approved by the U.S. Department of Housing &Urban Development (HUD) too give free counseling, including review...