You can afford yourself a great deal of flexibility and savings by getting pre-approved for a car loan before you shop. Consider these benefits:
1. Pre-approval puts you in the drivers seat. When you know how much and what terms you can expect with your loan you eliminate the expense and confusion of dealer financing.
2. You will not have to sacrifice dealer rebates and/or discounts to get a lower interest rate because your loan is already pre-approved.
3. You will know how much car you qualify for before you even visit the dealer.
4. You can avoid having to come up with a large down-payment.
5. You have only to deal with one issue at a time the money, then the car. Car dealers are trained to close the deal by getting you so excited about the car that you abandon reason and good judgment during the application/negotiation phase. Dont let this happen to you.
Getting pre-approved for a car loan is fast, easy and simple (in many cases you can expect an answer in as little as a day or two) but there is an important step that you must not skip.
Know your credit history
As with all loans, rates and terms vary. You can get a...