When purchasing a new vehicle, most people dont have enough funds to pay cash and must obtain car loan financing. After deciding which type of car to buy, the next important step is finding a good lender. While you may have no problem qualifying for car loan financing, it is important to shop around before deciding upon a lender. You can do this by either visiting local banks in your area or by researching car loan financing offers online.
If you have good credit, you may even want to decide upon a lender before visiting the car dealership. This way you can get pre-approved for a set amount of cash. Once you have been preapproved, you know how much you have to spend. You wont be as tempted to look at cars that are out of your price range. If dealers know you have already been approved for a loan, they may be more willing to negotiate a deal. Since most salespeople work on commission, they will do their best to accommodate someone who has already been approved for a loan.
Down Payment and Interest Rates
Your initial down payment will affect what type of car loan financing you receive. The greater your down payment, the lower rate of interest you can expect...