Don’t settle for the first auto loan quote that crosses your path. There are various methods now-a-days in which individuals can acquire an auto loan. Be sure to compare all the pros and cons of each method to ensure you are getting the best bang for your buck. There are four main ways to acquire an auto loan quote: dealer loans, credit unions, home equity, or with online quotes.
Dealership Auto Loan
Dealership loans are fairly common. In the past, a dealership loan was the only way to finance a vehicle. Times have certainly changed! One thing is certain, dealership loans are convenient. While you sit and fill out papers for the vehicle you will purchase, you might as well fill out papers for a loan to finance that car. Yes, dealership loans are quite simple, however, sometimes they are not in your best interest. Convenience doesn’t come free. Many times, these loans have higher interest rates than if you were to find a loan by yourself.
Credit Unions
Credit unions are a great option for auto financing. They can quote much larger loan amounts for a lower interest rate that an auto dealership. Also, the extra time you will spend with a...