When you need money, often times the need is immediate. Finance companies sometimes offer an easy way out of financial problems by offering a car title loan. Unfortunately, clients are misled by the quick money that a car title loan offers.
Tagged as abusive, car title loans charge extremely high interest rates of up to 360%. To receive a car title loan, the consumer must sign over their car title as collateral. Set up as open-ended credit, car title loans are not subject to an interest rate limit or a maturity date.
So how does one get to have a car title loan? Its simple. A customer enters the finance office to apply for a car title loan and is asked how much money they would like to borrow. With no credit check and no delay, the borrower can obtain a loan by exchanging their car title and an extra set of keys to their vehicle as collateral. The loans are typically less than $1,000.
The borrower then makes the first payment after 15 days and then every 30 days thereafter. The borrower pays one percent interest per day and must pay a minimum of ten percent of the loan principal with each payment, excluding the first payment.
Every car title loan...