Buying home has become very easy nowadays with a variety of residential mortgage options available in the market. Many people prefer to buy a house than to go for a rented one. But before going for any deal on residential mortgage, you have to have all the updated knowledge.
Five Dos for residential mortgage: -Try and make all your loan and debt payments on time. Every 30-, 60-, or 90-day delinquency on a loan or credit is going to reduce the credit score the lender ends up considering as part of the loan file. The score in turn will determine the residential mortgage loan you get.
-If missing something becomes essential, miss the credit card payment first, followed by the installment loan payment and finally the existing residential mortgage loan. Credit scoring systems look at the performance of similar loan first before deciding the type of score to assign.
-Try to pay off all the debts and put down a smaller amount at the time of closing. This leaves the borrower with larger mortgages but also allow them to replace non tax-deductible, high-interest rate debt with lower-rate residential mortgage debt that features deductible interest.
-If multiple...