If theres one thing its always worth doing, its shopping around for best deal. This is generally true for all purchases youre going to make, but one place its more important than most is with loans. Many people dont think about it too much, but loans are for many people, the single biggest financial transactions theyll make in their lives.
All the major purchases youll make will involve credit of some sort. If youre buying a house youll be searching for a mortgage. If youre buying a new car itll be auto finance. When you travel youll likely need a credit card if you dont already have one. Remodelling your home, paying for college, for almost everyone, they involve a significant amount of credit.
Shop Around
So its worth shopping around. If we spend a day or more looking for a good deal on a pair of jeans, why should we accept the first credit offer we receive? Loan rates and terms can vary enormously from lender to lender. All of them offer many different rates at the same time depending on the promotion youre applying under. They will also be setting the rate according to your credit rating. The important thing to remember is that credit is a...