There will be times when you need money as soon as possible. Banks tend to be slow giving out loans and this is especially true with secured loans. Many people get caught between paychecks, and aren’t sure where to turn. Fast secured loans are available which will allow you to get the money you need without the issues involved with going through banks or filling out applications. There are a number of alternatives available.
Cash Advance
Cash advance services are a quick way to get fast secured loans. You will need to fill out an application and write a check for the cost of the loan along with the service fees. Once you have done this, you will be given either cash or a check that you can take to your bank. Cash advance services typically give you two weeks to pay back the loan. While some companies will allow you to make payments, others will not. If you fail to make the payments at the end of the two weeks, the cash advance company will attempt to cash the check you wrote them. If it bounces, both institutions will charge you.
Title Loan Services
Another way to get fast secured loans is through a title loan service. They are similar to a...