A lawsuit cash advance can help the claimant win a personal injury lawsuit if all other means of obtaining funding have been exhausted. People have borrowed money from relatives, sold valuables, and taken out loans in order to pay for the services associated with their lawsuits, but there is a simpler and often cheaper alternative; working with a cash advance company. Legal advances can help the client proceed with the case by helping to cover the cost of necessary personal expenses required for the lawsuit. Companies like Legal Advances can provide a lawsuit cash advance in order to successfully take the lawsuit to court.
Some firms have charged effective interest rates exceeding 100 percent a year, but the business generally operates beyond the reach of money lending laws and has mostly escaped the sort of hostile attention that has been directed at, for example, the payday loan industry and its alleged “predatory lending.” However, that may be changing. New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer has reached settlements calling for clearer disclosure of fees from at least ten litigation-cash-advance firms, including one based in New Jersey which billed a...