Low Interest Rate Used Car Loan Steps To Take Before Applying For Loan
Before you apply for your next car loan, make sure you are getting the lowest rate possible. First, take a look at your credit and loan qualifications. Next, select terms that are most favorable for your budget. And finally, research car loan lenders to find the best deal on financing.
1. Take Care Of Your Loan Qualifications
Your credit history is of prime concern to lenders. To make sure they are getting the best picture of you, make sure your credit report is up to date and accurate. You can do this by checking a free copy of your credit report. If you do discover any mistakes, take it up with the reporting agency.
Besides your credit history, lenders also want to know about your assets. For the best rates, plan on a down payment of 20% or more. You will also want to have some cash in the bank as a reserve fund. Lenders prefer to see reserves for two or more months worth of living expenses.
If you have no or bad credit, you can also get a co-signer to improve your car loan application. The lender bases their decision on the co-signers good credit while you make the...