Payday loan companies offer fast loans without credit bureau checking or reporting. They offer confidentiality, convenience and speed and this is now being picked up by the middle classes. They are turning in increasing numbers to payday loan companies to fund unexpected cash flow crises which they need addressed quickly and discretely.
At least one payday loan company recently reported its clientele was made up of 30 percent middle class consumers. These consumers, with excellent credit, now choose a payday loan to protect their good credit ratings. With one late credit card payment, credit card companies may increase the APR up to a crippling 30 percent or even higher! When this is reported to the credit agencies, the credit score declines almost at once. Then, when the information is shared among all the other credit agencies and thence to all the other credit card companies, they too raise the APR and minimum payments to rates almost as high. Avoiding that one missed payment with a payday loan begins to look cheap.
Well-informed middle class consumers with gleaming credit scores understand the critical need to avoid that nightmare by never making even one...