Refinancing After Bankruptcy – Tips On Refinancing Your Home Mortgage After A Bankruptcy
Have you filed bankruptcy since you bought your home? Are you now looking to take advantage of lower interest rates by refinancing your home? You will probably soon realize how much more difficult it is to finance or refinance a home after a recent bankruptcy. It is not impossible though. There are many companies online that will help you refinance your home.
Here are some tips to consider when refinancing after a bankruptcy:
Even though interest rates have dropped, you may not be able to get a lower interest rate than when you bought initially – If you had decent or good credit when you bought your home originally, even though interest rates have lowered recently, you may not be able to qualify for an interest rate any lower than you had when you bought your home originally. With a recent bankruptcy, your interest rate is going to be quite a bit higher than before. There are many mortgage calculators available online that will help you analyze your current payment and interest rate and tell you if it is better for you to refinance your home or...