Small Business Loans – Resources and Options
Just as every small business is unique, there are almost as many distinctive options available when it comes to securing small business loans or other funding options for your small business startup expenses or other ventures. Further, amid the various programs offered by the variety of lenders, the programs availability, terms, etc. may different from state to state even in the small business loan provider remains the same.
While the U.S. governments SBA (Small Business Administration) does not offer grants for starting or expanding small businesses, they do still offer a plethora of free help. The SBA has existed since 1953, and in that time it has assisted tens of thousands of Americans form small businesses through their outreach programs, now available in every U.S. state, the territories of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, and the District of Columbia (Washington D.C.).
SBA offices are a rich resource of information and options in obtaining small business loans. Although the SBA does not directly loan or grant money, they are an invaluable asset to starting, maintaining and growing your company or...