Student loans are offered to students to assist them in paying the required fees. Student loans are generally lower compared to other loans and is issued by the government most of the time.
Typically student loans differ from country to country. In Australia for example, students can pay for university courses using the Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS). The selection criterion for HECS is based on the students rank achieved in the secondary school final examination. HECS fees are government-subsidized, and are substantially cheaper than full-fee paying places which have lower entry requirements.
In Canada however, students are normally eligible for loans provided by the federal government, not withstanding the loan offered from province to province. The loan are amazingly interest free until the student graduates.
Students can apply to the loan through their provincial residence. The province of residence is normally the place where you lived long before you become a student.
The Canada Student Loan (CSL) provides for a maximum of $165 per week of full-time study, and more money from their province of residence. All Canadian students may...