Choosing the right personal loan for your needs can be tricky, and if dont know what you are getting yourself into then you could end up in financial difficulties. Here are some top tips to use when choosing a personal loan:
Secured vs. unsecured
A secured loan is a loan that is secured against collateral, such as your home. Secured loans have better rates than unsecured loans, but they are more risky because you could lose your home if the repayments are not met. If you are borrowing a small amount of money and have good credit, then go for unsecured loans.
Borrow as little as you can over a short period
The more money you borrow over a longer period of time, the more interest you are going to pay. Borrow as little as you can afford to, and pay it back as quickly as you can so that you minimise the interest payments.
Fixed vs. variable
Most personal loans have fixed interest rates. This means that the monthly repayments will remain the same throughout the loan period. However, some lenders offer variable or flexible loans. These loans are good if the rate goes down, but remember budget for the rate going up as well....