Refinancing education loans can be so simple and attractive that many borrowers tend to overlook some critical points about student loan refinancing. Sometimes what you don’t know can save you a great deal of money, time, and frustration. Below you’ll find a few little know facts that can save you big bucks when refinancing your education loans.
Consolidation Loans have a fixed interest rate versus a variable interest rate
Most education loans have a variable interest rate which can mean significant changes in the monthly payments if interest rates increase as they did on July 1st, 2006. With a fixed interest rate, the monthly payments and total payoff balance is a set amount. Some education loans such as the Perkins Loan and the HPSL (Health Professionals Student Loan) are fixed rate loans. Before consolidating it’s important to weigh the repayment benefits of rolling these kinds of loans into the consolidation.
Consolidation lenders vary significantly in terms of money-saving incentives
What separates one lender from another when it comes to consolidating education loans are the types of incentives each...