While offices and factories are important for any business, purchase or construction of these premises will divert the ever-important capital from regular business expenses. If you are thinking of extending the lease period of your property then wait. Rental of leased properties put a much higher cost on the business. Even after years of paying the lease, you continue to be the leaseholder. In this article, the author has tried to show how commercial mortgages offer a middle path.
While the entrepreneur becomes a property owner with the help of commercial mortgages, the sum that he has to expend every month or quarter will be equal or sometimes lesser than what is being offered on lease, thanks to the low commercial mortgage rates.
Those who are conversant with the residential mortgages will not find commercial mortgages very different. The only difference lies in the fact that commercial mortgages are designed for the businesspersons. Nowadays, businesses are readily making use of commercial mortgages to not only purchase property, but also raise finance for other business purposes.
Commercial mortgage rates may generally take two forms. The first is when...