Brand new employer sponsored retirement plan is a hybrid of a traditional 401k and a Roth IRA.
Income tax rates have been cut, the marriage penalty done away with, and the “death tax” is also on a path to no more. All of this is a result of the Bush administration’s Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act which was passed by a Republican congress in 2001. Another provision of that act went into effect on January 1st, 2006, a hybrid of a traditional 401k and a traditional Roth IRA called the Roth 401k.
Yet another employer sponsored savings plan, the new Roth 401k works in almost the same way as a traditional 401k plan. Workers invest a portion of their income into a fund along with contributions from their employer (if any). The difference is that the traditional 401k is funded with “pre-tax” dollars and the Roth 401k plan uses “after-tax” dollars. However, with the Roth 401k, withdrawal of your money at retirement will be tax free like a Roth IRA. The traditional 401k plan defers the tax owed during your career until retirement.
Although it may sound like the best of both worlds, it is important to note...