One sure way to add value to your home is to install attractive double glazed units; these will lower your heating bills which will increase the desirability of your property.
It may also get you into the ‘green home’ section, and then the environmentally aware will be interested and more buyers will come to view your house.
Double glazing is also commonly referred to as IGU which stands for Double Glass (or Glazing) Unit. In Europe they are called DGU and referred to as double glazed units, or double glazing.
There is no mystery about the way insulating or double glazing works; we could liken it to the way that a feather duvet works! Between the body temperature warmth in a bed and the cold air in a room is a layer of feathers. The secret is that the feathers are holding a layer of air between you and the room. This air has a buffeting effect, and keeps the warm air and the cold air separated.
This is how double glazing works, the glass is just ordinary glass, but there are two sheets of glass and the buffeting air layer is contained in between the glass sheets. In very cold places there is such a thing as triple glass...