When she came back from her two week vacation in Costa Rica to icy Minnesota, Sara was haunted by memories of the way her toes had taken to the warm white sand and the way her heart had taken to the people. Echoes of the rolling surf chased her though her days at the office and had her daydreaming like a lovesick teenager. At night, she found herself scouring the Internet for “Real Estate in Costa Rica” and recalculating her budget until the wee hours of the morning. Finally, bleary-eyed and convinced that she couldn’t live without this fascinating Latin American country in her life everyday, she traded her two-storey brown brick home for a condo on the beach and has never looked back.
Sara’s story isn’t an isolated incident. There are an estimated 250,000 foriegners living in Costa Rica to date and with few barriers to living, working and investing in this country, the population of expatriates grows bigger everyday. As the demand for Costa Rica real estate increases, so do the options for foriegners who want to make their vacations last a lifetime. For brave travelers like Sara, it’s green lights all the way.
Known as the...