Video production skills can go a long way in real estate. With more buyers searching home for sale videos, and a wide variety of syndication options available, a well-shot video can quickly sell a home and drive up website traffic. Real estate agents who want to build their online presence and close more sales will find this a good place to start. The best part is, it’s easy to learn how to make a good video if you know where to start.
The first step in producing an effective real estate video is deciding which format to use. In the past many Realtors chose the Flash format because it was the fastest for browsers to load, and easiest to modify after production. But as Internet connection speeds increased and syndication became more widespread, digital video became the format of choice – it brought the most attention to homes for the least amount of work. Now Realtors can publicize and syndicate the same digital video file on a wide variety of platforms, including Youtube, Metacafe, IFILM, and Revver.
Once you’ve decided on a format you’re ready to plan your video. Real estate videos can be shot in many different styles, and it’s...