Credit cards are a big responsibility. When they are used improperly, they can disrupt your future financial solvency and cause you other cash flow problems. The more you know about credit, the more likely you will use this powerful tool wisely.
Nevertheless, credit card users nowadays are making a giant leap from the typical shopping experience to a cashless shopping extravaganza. It is very easy to get in over your head with credit cards.
With the endless shopping convenience that credit cards can bring, more and more people are encouraged to get credit cards and use them to the maximum amount of the credit line.
However, many people are reluctant to explore other credit card choices. That is why, in spite of the credit card’s popularity, credit card companies have had to incorporate enticing promotional tools that will hook customers interest to apply for a credit card.
Among the many credit card offers dominating the industry today, 0% annual percentage rate (0% APR) is the most common. Many credit card users see this as enough of an incentive to make the switch to another credit card.
By definition, an annual percentage rate refers...