Paying for university or college is one of the most valuable investments you can make in your life. As you know, however, it is also one of the biggest investments too. For this reason, good financial planning well in advance of attending the university of your choice is essential. You will want to create a budget and consider everything – not just tuition but also reasonable living costs. Unfortunately, sometimes budgeting simply isn’t enough – and that’s where federal grants come into play.
1. Grant Or Scholarship – What’s The Difference?
The main difference between a grant and a scholarship is that a scholarship has far more restrictions placed upon it than a grant. Both grants and scholarships are non-repayable, that is, unlike a loan you don’t have to pay them back when you are done your schooling. Furthermore, scholarships are for specific academic or athletic categories, whereas grants are awarded primarily on financial need only.
2. Raising Your Chances
There are a few things you can do to raise your chances of being elidgeable for financial assistance. The first and most important thing you can do is...