APR, (which stands for annual percentage rate), is an important factor when deciding what credit card you want to sign up for. Specifically defined, APR is simply the rate of interest you will be charged by your credit card company. Credit cards offer a variety of approaches to APR. Some will offer you a fixed-rate APR, so youll be paying at a particular interest rate for the whole time you have a balance. Others will offer you an introductory APR. You start off with a very low interest rate then after a certain period of time, it would change to a higher rate. However, what you should try to look for are 0% APR credit cards. With 0% APR credit cards, you do not have to worry about an interest rate at all for a defined period of time. In fact, the average time period that most credit cards will offer a 0% APR is usually 6 months to 1 year. There are even a few 0% APR credit cards that may offer this rate for as long as fifteen months!
So, why do 0% APR credit cards exist? Its simple. By offering 0% APR credit cards, companies hope that their customers are going to embark on a spending frenzy. When the phenomenally low APR rate ends, 0% APR credit cards turn into credit...