Choosing an airline credit card is not a matter to be taken lightly. Credit card companies offer many different reward programs, each with specific terms and conditions, however frequent flier programs are especially complex. Annual fees, mileage systems, redemption policies, expiration of miles; and this is only pulling the curtains back slightly. To make an informed decision, the following topics should be thoroughly reviewed.
1.Bank Sponsored Vs. Airline Sponsored Credit Cards. It is important to know the difference between the two as they will dictate the redemption of your miles. The airline sponsored card is through one particular airline and miles can only be accrued and redeemed through that airline. This choice would be optimal for someone who loyally flies the same airline. The bank sponsored card provides greater flexibility and would be better suited for the economical flier. When deciding between the two, it is important to think about which airlines fly out of which airports. To be sure, it would be nearsighted to sign up with an airline that doesn’t even fly out of your nearest airport. With the airline cards it is obvious which airlines you should...