Most people aren’t concerned with the amount of money they borrow in order to go to college- at least, not while they’re still in college and avoiding payments by deferring them until after graduation. Students are taught to believe that going to college will result in higher paying jobs, and therefore- paying off the loans required to get that higher education will not only be easy to pay off, but well worth the investment, no matter how much that investment ends up being. When graduation comes and the job offers do not- many students are stuck with high loan payments that are anything but easy to pay off, and the day-to-day struggle; and living paycheck to paycheck- begins.
Education is never a bad thing; and it absolutely should be considered a valuable investment- but having tens of thousands of dollars in debt as you enter the ‘adult world’ after college can be an eye opening experience for most students. College does little to prepare people for the high payments that come due six months after you finish your college days. As much as having a degree should result in higher paying positions- there are no real guarantees that you will in fact...