It is very easy to swipe a credit card and enjoy shopping, but initiation into credit cards is a tough process. The process to apply for credit cards begins by completing certain formalities after which one can get the credit card in his own name. The process of selection is incorporated into the credit card issuance methodology to eliminate non-serious users or the users who are not fit enough to hold a credit card. The process to apply for credit cards begins by finding out the credit worthiness.
By credit worthiness, it is meant whether one would be in a position to pay the bills outstanding on the credit card. In fact the process to apply for credit card is like an interview of the probable user. The higher the credit limit, more widely the chance of the credit card user to pay the outstanding with promptness. Therefore, the first hurdle that has to be cleared when one has applied for credit card is to be credit worthy. It is found out through the bank details that are fulfilled. If one is able to clear most of the outstanding bills within a month most of the times, then the probability of getting it after one has applied for credit card is the maximum.
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