Have you considered self certification loans as a way to borrow money to own your own home, attend an institute of higher learning, or purchase personal transportation If so, why not take this quick quiz to see if self certification loans are your best option
1. Can you provide documentation of your employment income from the past three years
If you said yes, then self certification loans may not be necessary. Because you have a third party verification of how much you’re making annually, you may be able to choose types of loans other than self certification loans, such as secured personal loans or unsecured personal loans.
If you said no, then self certification loans could be your ticket to home ownership, a better degree, a second home, a special vacation, the perfect wedding, or an automobile. Self certification loans are set up so you can essentially verify your income individually. Its kind of like an honor system and will enable you to borrow money even though you have no concrete proof of income except for bank statements.
2. Are you self employed
If you said yes, self certification loans are ideal for you! They are set up so...