If you are in credit card debt, you should consider debt management to help avoid things like bankruptcy and help you clear your debts. Good credit card debt management should give you a realistic method to deal with your spiraling debts. You have probably already noticed that your creditors high interest and late fees are making it impossible for you to manage your debts. You are in a serious mess, right?
The best way to resolve this is to switch to weekly payments. Paying your credit card debt weekly fits into most peoples pay cycles and doesnt burden you with any surprises at the end of the month. They can also lower your total interest because some cards apply it on an hourly basis.
You should also confer with the Consumer Counseling Center of America, a non-profit group that assists anyone in serious financial predicaments like yourself. Credit counselors are available to assess your debts, create a resolution plan, and contact all your creditors to renegotiate your interest and monthly repayments. The CCCA can bring your account balances up to date, stop creditor calls, maintain current payments, and settle accounts in major arrears.
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