Bad Credit? – How A Secured Credit Card Could Help You
Bad credit certainly can change the way you look at things, and the pinch of not being able to get the credit needed can make you more than a little frustrated. There may be, however, some help for you – in the form of a secured credit card. Here are some reasons why you may want to your secured credit card quickly.
Guaranteed Issue – Almost
Secured credit cards are not a great risk to the credit card company so they will issue them to just about anyone. The only thing that you need is to deposit the cash in a savings account to be able to cover the limits on the card. Some companies will require you to provide as much as 150% of the card limit, and others may ask for as little as 50%.
Building Credit
Using a secured credit card to build your credit can be very helpful. The key here, like any other credit card, is to make sure that you make the payments on time. You will want to see if the credit card company reports to at least one of the major credit bureaus. If they do not, then it cannot help your credit rating at all.
Fees Will Probably Be Applied