Bad credit can really put constraints on your ability to borrow money. With poor credit the only option is bad credit loans. Such loans are aimed at protecting the lender, not giving you the best deal.
A traditional loan for someone with good credit is usually constructed in a way that makes it very reasonable and fair to the borrower. A bad credit loan, however, is set up to protect the lender since poor credit makes you a liability and a risk.
Bad credit loans are also not very easy to find. When you do find one you will end up paying very high interest rates and most likely many fees. There are secured and unsecured bad credit loans.
Secured loans involve putting up collateral for the loan. Collateral is an asset that you are essentially giving to the lender to hold so that if you should default on your loan they take possession of the asset and use it to pay the loan balance. Unsecured loans, on the other hand, do not require collateral.
Obviously, a lender is more likely to offer a secured loan. This type of loan guarantees that they will get at least part of their money back should you default. There are some unsecured loans, but they can be...