If you have any kind of existing credit card balances, balance transfer credit cards may be just the thing you need to reduce your credit card debt. They can also help you save money in other ways, too. Here are some ways that a balance transfer credit card can save you some money.
0% APR Interest
The first way it can save you money is that, hopefully, the new card gives you a 0% APR interest introductory offer for balance transfers. You will need to double-check the fine print on the credit card to be sure that this rate applies to balance transfers. Most often it applies to the interest rate on your purchases, and only on some cards will it apply to transfers. If you also get that rate of interest on your transfers, then be sure to notice how long that you get that rate for. The rate on balance transfers is often different than the length of the introductory offer.
The 0% APR interest generally applies to your purchases made during the introductory time period. This gives you great savings over that time frame, but be sure to pay off the balance each month – and on time, for the best savings. Any late fees take away any savings you get, otherwise,...