Almost every body has noticed that there is a periodic entry for bank charges on our statement. But few of us understand what that is all about. Remember those highly attractive services that you liked when you got this bank account? Well today you are paying for them. This might come as a surprise to many. After all, most of us take it for granted that since we have an account with Bank X, we are eligible for a number of miscellaneous services.
So it is always better to find out in advance what the free services offered are and what extra services can be availed at a cost. Hopefully what you are paying for is what you intended to pay for. These include, using of the ATM card beyond a certain limit, issuing more than the allocated number of check books, or availing of bank statements in between quarters.
All these are activities that may invite additional bank charges. People often feel that they should be getting some of these services free of charge.
Either because you did not have the money or because there was a withdrawal limit, sometimes you might end up overdrawing. In a case of overdrawing, a fee is levied by the bank on the extra amount that has...