Largely due to widespread advertising, we are continually barraged with the notion that debt isnt such a bad thing. You just swipe your credit card to purchase what you want. With revolving credit and multiple cards, almost anything you want to purchase seems within reach. Consequently, debt can gradually accumulate, adding intense stress to your life. It can also spoil your credit score. This means that in the future when you need a loan, you may be unceremoniously turned down.
However, you have options.
Become Thrifty
Develop a habit of being thrifty. When making purchases, negotiate lower prices in circumstances that permit flexibility. For example shop for best rates when buying a cell phone. Know your cash income and fixed expenses. Develop a budget to account for all your expenses, both regular and emergency. This is applicable even when you have a great paying job; in fact, this is when using a budget may be even more crucial.
Coupon Clipping
Use coupons to save on your groceries and other costs, such as a hair cut at a salon or even hardware supplies. The trade off for use of coupons is a little more time finding and cutting them out....