If you watch television or surf the net, it is likely that you have seen one of the many adverts for low introductory credit card rates. These low rates hope to entice you into getting one of these credit cards, and with such great rates on offer it is not surprising that many people look into them. Although these offers can have hidden dangers and charges, there are benefits to low introductory rates. If you want to know more about how to use the benefits of low introductory offers without the dangers then here is some information that can help.
Low APR offers
One of the most common introductory offers is to have a low APR on the credit card for a certain period. These low APRs can vary from around 5% all the way down to 0%, and can last from 3 months to a year. The benefit of having a low APR is that you will pay less interest on the credit that you use. If you can get a 0% APR offer then you are effectively getting your credit for free during the introductory period.
Using low APR offers
Low APR offers often come with hidden charges, such as high balance transfer fees or a much higher typical APR after the introductory period expires. If you want...