Many business owners report a sharp increase in profit when they begin accepting credit cards as a means of payment. Credit cards allow customers who do not have the money on hand to make purchases from you despite their personal shortage of cash, and they also open the door to customers who simply make all of their purchases by credit card or debit card each month- as there are many people who prefer to make a single payment for all their monthly expenditures when their statement arrives.
Online businesses greatly benefit from accepting credit cards, as payment can be made immediately over the Internet and your business can quickly ship their purchase without having to wait for a check to arrive by mail, and then waiting for the check to clear the bank before sending orders out to customers.
Service oriented businesses will notice a large decline in the number of past due accounts when they start accepting credit cards for payment. A business that sets up a merchant account not only has the ability to accept credit card payments for their professional services, but it also allows them to accept ATM and debit cards as payments, and of course the traditional...