Bushels Of Corn Required To Make A Bushel Of Ethanol
This third article by Absolute Futures will show how many bushels of Corn are required to produce just one gallon of ethanol. This will definitely impress upon anyone who trades the commodity corn, how Ethanol production impacts the total supply of Corn available for live cattle feed, as well as, other domestic uses.
Each bushel of corn can produce up to 2.5 gallons of ethanol fuel. Only the starch from the corn is used to make ethanol. Most of the substance of the corn kernel remains, leaving the protein and valuable co-products to be used in the production of food for people, livestock, feed, and various chemicals. For example, that same bushel of corn (56 lbs.) used in ethanol manufacturing can also produce the following products depending on the process used to produce Ethanol. Ethanol is produced from corn by using one of two standard processes, wet-milling or dry-milling. Dry-milling plants cost less to build and produce higher yields of ethanol, but the value of co-products is less.
The wet-milling process produces 31.5 pound of starch or 33 lbs. of sweetener, or 2.5 gallons of Ethanol...