As with a personal credit card, the business credit card is a highly efficient method for obtaining, granting, and expending loans. The applicant for a business credit card needs do little more than fill out a brief application or key in a few bits of information over the Internet. In most cases, the customer is granted a line of credit, which can be accessed and expended quickly and easily each time the business credit card is used. Assuming that the customer has a good credit record, the credit limit will automatically be increased when it is reached, thereby increasing the loan amount without much effort on the part of the business credit card holder.
To qualify for a business credit card, a good credit record is necessary. In view of future credit needs such as business credit cards, small business owners should register their businesses with the major business credit bureaus such as Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) or Business Credit USA to obtain credit ratings. These business credit bureaus operate much like consumer credit bureaus. They will collect information from your existing creditors about your business, including a check on how much credit you have, the...