Can A Balance Transfer Credit Card Help You With Debt Consolidation?
It is not hard to have credit cards maxed out before you know it. Soon, though, the bills calling for payment on those things you bought begins to take its toll on your available funds. Before you know it, it may be next to impossible, almost, to catch up on your bills. Another credit card, however, may be just what you need to be able to give yourself a handle on your debt. In fact, a new balance transfer credit card may be just what you need to consolidate your debts.
Balance transfer credit cards enable you to transfer debt that you already have on one card to another one. As an introductory offer, many credit card companies that offer this type of credit card provide special deals on this type of transaction. Good balance transfer credit cards will offer you 0% APR interest for up to 15 months. This means that you pay no interest charges on the amounts you transfer to it.
The advantage here is obvious. Instead of continuing to pay a high interest on your credit cards, which actually reduces your payment toward the principal, a new card saves you money. You pay no interest for awhile,...