You are considering finance for home improvements, debt consolidation, a holiday home, a car you name it the question always pops up which way is going to be the cheapest way to finance. Should I use a credit card, personal loan, HP, overdraft, store card, interest-free credit, catalog, secured loan, or a credit union? Different methods of borrowing suit different types of people and situations. Whatever type of borrowing you choose, make sure you will be able to afford the repayments. Prepare a budget of your monthly expenses to check what you can afford to pay. Be sure to include your mortgage payment, utilities (gas, electricity, water), all bills, food, clothing right down to hair cuts and socializing costs. Be honest with this. If you are not you are only kidding yourself and it is only you that will suffer in the end.
When choosing credit deals, it’s important to make sure you are getting value for money. Also when comparing secured or unsecured personal loans compare the APR to give you a realistic view of the true cost of the finance. While you should consider all factors such as what is available and suitable to you, your circumstances (e.g. employed,...