Credit Card Debt is known to have ruined the lives of many people financially. Most credit card owners do not realize the scary fact that credit card debt may take a long time to repay, especially if they are burdened with high interest rates. So in short if you do not have the funds available to repay your debt, it can mean serious financial implications for and your family if you’re married.
Credit Card Debt Facts
Studies have shown that card debt and personal bankruptcies have increases bank profits to the highest level in the last five years.
An ever increasing number of credit card holders were unable to manage their finances that lead to credit debt, due to the convenience of using credit cards, can lead to a false feeling of financial security and being in a “comfort zone”.
When these credit card holders encounter problems with their debt it casts self-doubt on their ability to manage themselves financially.
Most card applicants do not read the “fine print” on the contract documents that they sign and apply for high interest cards without themselves realizing it.
Most people with debt on their credit...