When it comes to having bad credit ratings, or at least less than good credit ratings, it sure can make things a little tough financially to be able to do what you want. Many people today start getting into bad credit partly because of credit cards simply by taking full advantage of the “charge it” possibilities that a credit card gives you. A credit card – at least a certain kind, can actually help you to repair your credit – here’s how.
While a credit card can actually help you to improve your credit ratings, you probably already know that you will not be able to get the best rates or features on a new credit card. The terms will generally be restrictive and your rates higher. It also means that any credit limits you get will be low – at least to start with, since the credit card company will consider you to be a higher risk than someone with good credit.
The first thing you need to do is to make sure that the credit card company you are applying to says that it reports to a major credit bureau. It may report to all three of the major ones (look for it) which are Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. If it does not report to at...