Not every credit card is a good one – just because it promises a few good things. The truth is, that you really do not know just how good a credit card might be until you read the fine print that gives you all of the details. Merely comparing a few of the more open and upfront (on the advertisement) features might give you a starting place, but you should go a little deeper than that in order to get a credit card that is worth having.
Choose a type of credit card that you think will benefit you the most. Make your choice from either air miles cards or drivers cards if you travel a lot, or get a rebate card for general shopping purposes. You can also choose specialty cards from booksellers if you purchase a lot of books, or entertainment credit cards if you frequent this type of place. You will do well to take a little time to see what kind of different credit cards are available. Make your choice related to the things that you normally charge the most amount of money each month.
A good place to start is by looking at the interest rate. Interest rates can range from 9.99% up to a little over 18%. The lowest rates of interest are for those who have good or...