Credit Cards Used Wisely Can Reward You, More Than The Credit Card Company
It seems these days that anyone can get a credit card. You do not even have to be actively seeking a card, and offers will appear out of thin air in your mailbox. There is no doubt about it, that credit cards are BIG Business, but how they are used can reward you as much as the company supplying the credit.
When it comes to spending, of course self control and common sense are needed, but that does not mean that you can’t benefit from using the plastic money. Other than convenience(I hate writing checks), why else would you want to use the credit card. Here are a few reasons and ideal situations to take advantage of:
One of the first reasons I like to use my credit card, is the level of protection it affords me. Have you ever made a purchase for a product or service that did not come close to living up to the expectations you had? Well, you can have an extra fighter in your corner if the seller of that product or service is not willing to fulfill their end of the commitment. I have only used my card on a couple of occasions where that has been needed, but it’s sure nice...