Do you only make the minimum payment on your credit cards or debt loans? Do you charge most of your daily expenses to your credit cards, while carrying outstanding balances from month to month? If you answered yes to either question, you should probably take a closer look at your finances as there is a good possibility you have more debt than you should. Fortunately, you have options. There are many companies offering free consumer debt consolidation services and even some banks now offer consolidation loans. The benefits will be a small required monthly payment, lower interest rates and one step closer to being debt-free. Your consolidation consultant will also help provide relief from harassing creditors and will work with the creditors on your behalf.
Once you contact a credit consolidation service, the consultant assisting your matter will assess the situation based on information you provide as well as your credit profile and the amount you can afford each month. The consultant will determine the best debt solution for you to most quickly repay your debt. The most common loans and bills debtors seek to consolidate are credit cards, personal loans, medical bills,...