If you are reading this then that means that you are probably in need of some credit repair or credit consolidation. Taking care of your personal finance situation is the key to getting your life back together. If you have a bad credit score then you might not be able to do a lot of important things that you need to do such as rent an apartment, become qualified for a mortgage, apply for student loans, and many other important things that you need to do in your life. You get a bad credit report when you dont pay your bills on time or dont pay the monthly minimum. A credit bureau will have all of the information from each company that youve done business with and if you have bad credit they will rate you negatively and send out this information from any other company that you are looking to get some financial assistance from.
If you have a high credit score it will be easier for you to get the money you need to buy a new car, get a mortgage, go back to school or anything else you need money to do. If you have a low credit score then you will miss out on more financial opportunities and it will be harder to move ahead with your life. If you have to file bankruptcy...