Although you try your best to keep our finances under control and pay our bills on time, there are times when you find yourself in unmanageable debt. If you’re experiencing slow or no payments on your credit cards, student loans, or car payments, credit counseling might be the answer you’re
looking for.
A credit counseling agency can help by finding ways to reduce and manage your debt. They do this by contacting each of your creditors to negotiate new repayment terms. Credit counselors
will also sit with you to review your budget and lifestyle to see if they can help by improving your spending habits and money management skills.
Finding a Credit Counseling Agency
Although there are many decent credit counseling agencies out there, scams and illegitimate companies do exist. You should avoid companies that claim to erase your debts or repair your credit in a short amount of time. It takes time to get credit card and other debts under control and repairing your credit can take several months to a few years. Watch out for agencies that charge high up-front fees.
Your best bet is to find a not-for-profit credit counseling agency or...