Most people either personally own or at least know about credit cards. Credit cards are small, rectangular pieces of plastic that can be used to purchase items in stores and on the Internet in place of cash. All of the many different types of credit cards in existence come with very specific and individual credit terms and conditions that state when payments must be made on credit balances, how much interest must be paid on out-standing credit balances, and what will happen to a credit card holder if payments are not made on time which usually consists of the need to pay late fees.
Credit cards have, over the course of several decades, become the preferred method of payment for individuals across the Untied States and even the entire world because they are easy to use, convenient, relatively simple to obtain, and they can allow for purchases that would otherwise be unaffordable. In most cases, credit cards are beneficial and a true asset to the economy.
However, when credit cards are abused by being used too often and to purchase items that are extremely expensive, consumers can get themselves into a heap of financial trouble. The most common problems that...