There seems to be an ongoing debate regarding the process of debt settlement between its critics and its supporters. One side claims that debt settlement is nothing more than a ticket to complete financial ruin, and warns against it due to possible tax liabilities and the potential for a reduced credit score. Supporters of debt settlement, however, claim that its the best option available for individuals who have found that theyre struggling to meet their financial obligations, month after month.
The fact is, neither opinion is 100% absolutely correct. You see, each individual situation is different, and debt settlement is the best option for some people, but should absolutely be avoided by others. So who, then, should consider debt settlement?
If youre on the fence and not sure if debt settlement is the right choice for you, take a moment to ask yourself the following questions:
1.Do you find yourself robbing Peter to pay Paul so that you are able to meet your bills each month?
2.Do you frequently worry about bouncing checks?
3.If you didnt have credit card debt, would you have enough money left over after paying your bills to comfortably set...